Friday, March 29, 2013

5 weeks to go

Hi, welcome on my Vancouver blog! I made a new blog especially for my Vancouver experience so I had more space left for pictures and it’s a whole new adventure. I will probably also update my ski blog every now and then but that will be more about my training in Vancouver and Whistler.
As of today I have 5 weeks left before I go to Vancouver.
A lot of things have been taken care of all ready, I have a place to live, a really nice apartment on the UBC campus. I have booked my flight yesterday, my flight is Friday May 3rth on at 2.55 PM from Schiphol I'll fly with Britisch airways to Heatrow and transfer there to my flight to Vancouver I’ll arrive in Vancouver on May 3rth at 6.20pm. I will fly home on September 1st and arrive at Schiphol on September 2nd somewhere around 6pm.
My internship in which I’ll study certain aspects of grow factors in Neuroblastoma, a very aggressive pediatric tumor, is official. I still have to read a lot on that subject but it’s all very interesting.
I had sent my passport to the HR person of the hospital to see if I needed a permit or visa, yesterday I got the respons that as a citizen of Germany….. I didn’t need a permit or visa since my internship is unpaid and I’ll leave within six months, luckily the same rules applies for citizens of the Netherlands, but it is really funny that those mistakes keep on happening and made me think of this video.

So more on my room I’ll live at 5755 Dalhousie Rd, Vancouver BC V6T 2J2. I saw pictures of the apartment and it looks amazing.

I had replied to some craiglist adds and got some replies back, but the hard part was how to choose when you can’t meet your roommates or the people renting the room. So I struggled a bit with that. Meanwhile I tried to sublet my own apartment, I was screening a facebook page for international students in Leiden, when I saw a post of a Canadian girl, curious as I was I checked here profile and it said she was from UBC, what a  coincidence. So I decided to message her to see if I could get some tips. The next day we met and she helped me out great, all my questions answered she wrote a lot of stuff down that will help me start up. And she also had a room, it looked good and felt good especially since we could meet in person. So that’s all taken care of. The whole internship is really happening! After 7 months of planning and emailing.
For the next 5 weeks there still is a lot to do, I need to sublet my own awesome apartment
I need to pack and mostly decide what not to take with me ;)
And I still have a few exams. That’s it for now I’ll check back when I have more news to share.